Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia

What is CBT-I?

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia (CBT-I) is an evidence-based treatment for insomnia and is widely considered the gold standard treatment to help reduce the symptoms of insomnia. CBT-I is a brief psychotherapy that typically consists of six sessions; however, the length may vary depending on each person's individual needs. During this collaborative treatment, Dr. Cheney will examine your sleep-related behaviors, thoughts, and feelings to help determine what adaptive changes could be beneficial to your sleep.

During treatment, you will likely engage in behavioral interventions to help establish healthy sleep practices along with cognitive interventions to develop accurate thoughts about sleep. You will also learn about biological sleep processes and relaxation exercises.

Each week you will be expected to complete a sleep diary, which we will use as data to modify your sleep schedule and to track your improvement.

Recent research has shown that CBT-I completed via telemedicine, in which this practice specializes, provides equivalent treatment outcomes as compared to face-to-face treatment while offering easier access to care. Utilizing telemedicine technology, safe and effective CBT-I treatment from Vermont Health Psychology is available to anyone living in Vermont with no need to leave your own home.

Interested in trying CBT-I? Contact Dr. Cheney at:

Phone: (802) 448-0683‬
